Christ was born! Let’s glorify Him!
Our world was always filled with darkness and subcelestial evil. That is why evil spirits parasitize in human souls, human actions; they tried to lead humanity to the darkness. They want to destroy humanity and in such way show God that His creatures are week and His words can’t be realized. But we see from the history, from the Gospel that everything happens in the other way. We see that God always improves all ways, all actions made by evil; that even some negative things could bring something good for the Universe.
Today we have read the Gospel of Matthew (ІІ:1-23), where it is told about murders of 14 thousand babies made by Herod the king and about the salvation of God’s Child. And we understand that the moment Herod killed so many babies he sighed a death sentence for himself. He showed people who lived in his kingdom at that time who he truly was. He showed that he wasn’t a good ruler for those people. He was a tyrant, who occupied a high post, which he shouldn’t occupy. I think that people used their positions and helped him to leave. And I want to pay your attention on the fact: evil can do a lot of bad things, but God will finally improve that all. He improves everything in order the God’s Light could be on the Earth, that it burn and never disappear in human hearts. That human soul could change.
We know that Jesus Christ came on the Earth to execute his mission. And he did it in full. He sowed the grains of God’s Truth; He put God’s Light into human souls and people’s lives.
What should we do today? We have to grow this grain, grow the light in our soul, help this light overcome darkness through trouble that our hearts shine with His love, His forgiveness, His patience, His Holy gifts. That the hope, which the Lord puts on our souls, will become true. And God will always help us, if we will not neglect God’s mercy and God’s help. Because He will see that we move in the right direction, that we try to be His children and His Light on the Earth.
And due to God one day our dreams will come true and the Light will come to Ukraine. We believe it will be so. Maybe some people deny it, but we feel it with our hearts and you can’t betray heart, because it feels the Truth. Different thing can happen in our lives but we feel the coming of light, happiness, hope and God’s mercy for every soul.
Let the Lord save you!