Tradition of the Orthodox Church

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple”

    The Orthodox Feast «The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple»

    The Feast "Presentation of the Lord at the Temple" in the time of Emperor Justinian spread from Jerusalem to the whole East. Celebrated it on the forty day after the Birth of Jesus. The name of the feast came from the fact of meeting of God’s Son, Holy Virgin with religious Simeon. In the spiritual sense, this meeting is a symbol of the meeting of the Old and New Testaments...

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Nativity of the Holy Lady”

    The Orthodox Feast «The Nativity of the Holy Lady»

    The feast of the Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady is one of twelve main Christian feasts, which was set up in honor of the birth of the Most Holy Lady – the Mother of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament it is written very poor about the earthly life of the Holy Lady and there are no facts about her Birth and Her parents. About this event, in honor of which the feast was set up, we found out from the apocryphal Gospel of James (the second century)...

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Dormition of the Holy Lady”

    The Orthodox Feast The Dormition of the Holy Lady

    The Day of the Dormition of the Holy Lady is one of twelve main Christian feasts, which was set up in honor of the event, when God's Mother finished her Earth life and her body and soul was taken by Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Heavens...

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Annunciation to Our Lady”

    The Orthodox Feast The Annunciation to Our Lady

    The Christian feast of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated April March 25 (April 7 in new calendar), is one of the twelve Great Feasts of the church year. It was set up in the honor of the announcement by the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, who would become the salvation for the lost humanity...

  • Orthodox Feast «Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross»

    Orthodox Feast «Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross»Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross is one of twelve great Christian holidays. The feast is set in honour of the event when Empress Helen found and exalt the real cross on which the Lord our Jesus Christ was crucified...

  • Orthodox feast «Transfiguration of the Lord»

    Orthodox feast «Transfiguration of the Lord»The day of the Transfiguration of the Lord is one of twelve main Orthodox feasts. It was established in honor of incomprehensible Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His appearance in the Divine greatness and glory on the Mount Thabor in front of His followers and future Apostles Peter, Jacob and John. This unusual event is described by three Evangelists at once - Matthew, Mark and Luke....

  • Orthodox feast «The Feast of the Holy Trinity»

    Orthodox feast «The Feast of the Holy Trinity»

    The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the most important holidays, which confirm and praise the triune nature of the Most High: God the Father - the Maker of heaven and earth, God the Son - Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit - the Giver of life, who proceeded from the Father...

  • Christian feast “Christmas Day”

    Christian feast Christmas Day

    The feast of Christmas is considered to be a great Christian holiday and it is one of twelve main Orthodox feasts, which are celebrated by Church with a special solemnity. The feast was set in the honor of the birth of Our God Jesus Christ, God’s Son on the Earth...

  • About wisdom of forgiveness of enemies and about wisdom in difficult moments of life

    About wisdom of forgiveness of enemies and about wisdom in difficult moments of life

    Great Lent begins, and there are difficult moments. It is necessary to prepare for the feast, it is necessary to be able to forgive. But you should forgive wisely. In what way? It should not be in the way that you forgive a person, and he/she betrays you immediately… Therefore, it is necessary to be wise. If you have not enough wisdom, you can ask God for help: "God, give me Your wisdom, give me Your wise love..."

  • About the forgiveness before the Great Lent, about the trials of the Ukrainian people and about the power of prayer

    About the forgiveness before the Great Lent, about the trials of the Ukrainian people and about the power of prayer

    We know that Lord can do everything. He said: "Keep asking and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you". And we have asked today. We asked during the Liturgy, we will ask at home, we will gather together with our families to pray, because it is not the problem of Crimea. Therefore I ask you pray sincerely...

  • About the descent of the Holy Spirit and about the keys from the Kingdom of God

    About the descent of the Holy Spirit and about the keys from the Kingdom of God

    The Lord told to Apostles about the descent of the Holy Spirit. He told them to gather together and wait. It was the Heavens' promise. And we have to understand, that God gave keys from the Kingdom of God through them…

  • About the Descent of the Holy Spirit

    About the Descent of the Holy Spirit

    We read in the Gospel the story about the coming of Our Savior Jesus Christ on the Earth two thousand years ago. He taught people, He promised Apostles, that the Holy Spirit would descent on them after His left. “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” And we see that God kept His word...

  • About the Christmas, which had changed the course of history and human souls

    The sermon about the Christmas, which had changed the course of history and human souls

    His birth Jesus Christ changed the course of history and human souls. Conceive blameless on Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit he was born sinless. And Adam was also sinless, but he made a sin and by this act he put people in the sins. But the Lord came on the Earth. He gave us the opportunity to expiate our sins and to get the eternal life...

  • About accomplishment of God’s promise on fifty day after His Resurrection and about the miracle of common prayer

    About accomplishment of God’s promise on fifty day after His Resurrection and about the miracle of common prayer

    We have head the Acts of Saint Apostles (Acts II:1-11) where the Lord promised His Apostles that the Savior will come and console their souls. But He told them to gather all together on fifty day...