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- Written by Super User
- Category: Educational Videos
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The documentary "The Turin Shroud. The New Evidence" examines other scientific investigations that cast new light on the shroud and questions the 1988 carbon dating. How did the image get on the cloth? And how does it so authentically reproduce evidence of wounds from an actual crucifixion that would have been unknown to a medieval faker?
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Educational Videos
- Hits: 5070
Feast of Saint Nicholas usually on 6/19 December (or Kiak 10th in Coptic Calendar). The Departure of St. Nicholas, the Confessor, Bishop of Myra (Mora). On this day also the righteous St. Nicholas, Bishop of Mora (Myra), departed. He was from the city of Mora, his father's name was Epiphanius and the name of his mother was Tona. They were rich, as well as God-fearing, people. They had no children to bring joy to their hearts and to inherit their wealth after their deaths. They remained without a son until they grew old and they were enveloped with despair. God had pity on them and gave them this saint. He was filled with the Divine grace since his young age. When he reached school age, he demonstrated, through intelligence and knowledge, that he learned far more from the Holy Spirit than he did from his teachers. He learned all the doctrine and the teachings of the church since his young age and was ordained deacon.