Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the Holy Communion, Holy Blessing from Our God.
Today we have heard the Gospel, where God told us a parable about the Sower (Luke 8; 5-15). I want to say that the sower goes and he sows, but he sometimes do not look where he sows. It is his job – to sow the grains. He sows God’s words, he carries these words to people despite different circumstances of the life. The land means a man, his personality, his soul. First people in this parable are that who have hearts and souls made of rock. The Light which gives the Sower can’t get to them, His words can’t get to them. Other people have strange thorns, which are growing in their souls and hearts. Even if the grain falls in such soul, it can’t make its way to God’s Light to grow and give fruit. And this fruits will grow for this land, it means for this soul, but not for the Sower.
It is important to remember that God gives gifts to a man, that this man could multiply those gifts. God doesn’t want to take them back. He wants the field full of wheat on that place where He sowed.
We have to understand that when the Lord gives us something, we must respect that. We have to save every word and every gift. And we have to prepare our soul in order to grow something in it. It shouldn’t be thorns, our thoughts about material wealth, about something useless, but it must be a real God’s field full of wheat. And the Sower has to see that and that One who will come after. It means that when a man finishes his earth life and goes to God, he has to give his gift to God: “Oh God! Look! I worked all my life on the Earth. I have my results. Take them.” And God blesses this, He takes such soul and put it on the place it deserves to be according to its earth labour.
So, I ask you, or even beg you – do not forget God’s Words. When the Lord gives you His Light do not close your soul, do not litter you heart, do not block it up with some useless things.
God gives us a mind, He gives us wisdom. We have to understand where is truth and where is not. If we do not understand that we have to pray: “Oh God, teach us, help us to go out of that condition we have stuck in.” Because we want that Your gifts could grow in us. We do not want human gifts: jealousy, unforgiveness, anger, irritation. We want the growth of God’s gifts in our soul: love, forgiveness, patience, wisdom, It is important to remember. Let the Lord help us.
Let the Lord help us all to grow the harvest of God’s fruits in our hearts. It is a great dead, a great labour and we will have a great crop not only in our hearts, but in the hearts of our close people.
Let the Lord save you!