Glory to Jesus Christ!
I congratulate you with the Holy Communion, with the settling of the Holy Spirit in every soul that prayed and truly wished and wanted to get God’s mercy for its family and its life.
Dear brothers and sisters, I want to pay your attention on one moment. The Christianity had been changing in human hearts since its beginning; new churches were founded. But anyway people tried to be with God. We know that devil works all the time; he wants to destroy our souls and human lives. He wants to destroy not only the lives of religious people – our lives; he wants to destroy our society and country. It is his work and mission, which he carries out on the Earth.
We have heard the Gospel of Matthew today (Mt. XXII:1-14) about wedding guests. And the Lord calls all churches, all Christians, who truly believe in God, in Jesus Christ, in salvation, in God’s Light and He appeals to us: “Lets make peace on our Land, the Kingdom of God. Let your good dreams come true.” But a lot of Christian people think in such way: “Yes, we want peace and harmony, but without our help, without our participation. It means that we have our own business. We have to trade, we have to cope with our own problems, which our country has. We will not pay attention on that neighbor country which has difficult life now, which suffers now and needs our help. We will leave it.”
It means that true Christianity is one thing and the other thing is formal Christianity. You can screen yourself behind such words as “Christian”, “Christian world”, “Christian country”, “We are with God’”, etc. But if you do not make steps in the way to change the society on the Earth, to change it for better and lighter future, you will not hide in that words. People sometimes do not understand that. And we have heard the parable today, where the Lord talked with people, who came for wedding celebration. All people who came considered themselves as true Christians, who believed in God. But the Lord saw that there were such people, who screened themselves behind Christianity in order to hide their lives that were shameful in God’s eyes.
And the same happens with countries that considered themselves as Christian countries. They look like Christians with golden domes, golden crosses and original prayers. They screen themselves behind all that things and at the same time aggrieve God; they provoke their people to go and make bad things in God eyes.
And we know what will happen with them, we have heard it in today’s parable what has happened with a man who came to God’s celebration and did not have wedding cloth. We all are opened books in front of God, you can’t hide in front of Him, you can’t hide your thoughts and deeds. He knows how every person lives. And the Lord knows who wears wedding cloth – clean, light cloth and who wears dark cloth full of sins and mistakes.
And we know according to God’s words what will happen with that person, that people who screen behind Christianity and made awful things. They will be thrown into darkness and gloom and chaos. Because they did it with their free choice.
That is why I ask you, ask all people: “Be Christians inside your souls, your hearts, not just formal. That you could be worthy that wedding, that unity with God, that peace, that harmony, that God’s love, that grace which we can get at the God’s table.
Let the Lord save you.