Christ is baptized! In the Jordan river!
Today we have heard the Gospel (Mtw., IV: 12-17), which told us about Jesus’ Christ words: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” How can it happen? How can the God’s Kingdom be at hand? First of all, it was always with us. The thing is that people sometimes can’t feel it and they close the doors of their souls in order not to see and know it. It the same time they live in the darkness and ignorance. And the Lord told us: “I came to teach you, to teach how to communicate with God, how to open your heart, to open your souls, to open your life to the God’s Light, to the understanding of the Truth, to the feeling of God’s Kingdom.”
When a person is built vitally through the difficult trials, he is still built in God’s will, with God’s help, with God’s grace. So, during the difficult moments of his life he appeal to God, invite Him to his heart, to his life. Then he is built in the good way, even if it is painful. We must understand that.
At the same time our country has difficult time now. The person goes through the bad trials, terrible trials, but they are building him. They are building him in their own way, but with God. And this power exists in human souls and it will overcome the evil, which is happening very close. People, who do not understand that, are the dust in God’s eyes. They will disappear and will be decontaminated by God’s power. We can only help this happen quicker. We can pray a lot and ask God about this. We can ask that our country enter the light, happiness, God’s Kingdom. That this God’s Kingdom will come to human souls as close as it is possible.
That is why I ask you all – do not stop praying for this situation, which is happening in our country. It is extremely difficult. Let the Lord save us. I don’t want to read, see and feel all that fear and darkness that are surrounding Ukraine. I would like the turning point happen at last and people know where to go and what to do according to God’s will.
Let God save you.