Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
It is true that Christ is born and I congratulate you with this great feast and I wish you all and your families to be safe and sound. Let the Lord, who was born in your soul, in your heart, always be with you.
Today I congratulate you with the Holy Communion, it is a great sacrament. It is a wonderful day, which God blessed for us. It is true, that we feel with all our soul the happiness and the whole nature glorifies the birth day of our Savior Jesus Christ.
The birth of Jesus Christ – is prominent event, which is difficult to overestimate. He changed the course of history, turned everything in human and every soul.
He was born pure from the Holy Lady and Holy Spirit. And at the same time He was the man like all of us. The only thing, which is different from us, is that He was sinless, because of His pure start. Adam was also sinless, but we know that he made a sin and by this act he put people in the sins. That is why we must expiate those sins during all our life. But the Lord came on the Earth. He gave us the opportunity to expiate our sins and to get the eternal life.
We can see in the Gospels that Jesus was accepted on our Earth not in the easy way. All prophets knew that He had to appear. And the kings and the men of wisdom saw the star in the sky and understood and the One, Who were expected by all people, came . And they went to Herod to tell him about it. But we can see that the king with his slyness and archness wanted to capture this baby. The Lord came in this world in the appearance of the baby and this baby was already persecuted. It was persecuted since its birth. The kings saw the competitor in him. They thought that He came to take the world, the wealth, the resources.
They did not understand and did not know that He came not for the religious people. He came for the sinners to save all of us. Evil people tried to destroy, catch Him, but due to the God’s will He was protected by Angels and Archangels. And He finished His mission on the Earth. He did it, because He brought Love and Truth for us. And it is true that the time came and He was crucified for our sake.
And we must realize that it is really the great feast, because not only Jesus Christ is bearing. He gives the birth to us, to every person, to every heart, that the little Jesus could be born in our soul. That we could look after it, protect that thing, which He gave us. That we could respect His Love and His Truth to our last day. We must crucify our own sins in the name of Jesus Christ.
So let’s altogether be glad of this great feast, be happy, sing Christmas carols and glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!