A person who believes in God always comes to a priest to get the blessing when he/she needs help in solving difficult problems, which happen in life. It was set up since the times of Jesus Christ. The Gospel tells how suffering people appealed to Jesus and His disciplines. In the Gospel (Mark ІХ:17-31 ) about the healing of the boy by Jesus Christ it was told that his father firstly appealed to the disciplines. But they did not have enough power to help that boy. Why? They asked the Lord to heal that boy. But it did not happen at that moment. And the Lord Jesus Christ explained them later why they were not successful. Because some efforts and work had to be done.
What kind of work? Physical. It means that there were no fast, no work, no move towards God’s blessing.
It means that a person comes to the priest and says: “Father, pray and bless me” and after that he sits down and thinks: “I have already prayed, now God’s Angels have to work.” And the person drops in this situation.
And nothing good will happen after that. Because you have to understand - the priest during his prayer pays God’s attention on this soul, that God could give more time for the needs of this soul. And at this very moment this soul stands in front of God like under magnifying glass. God listens to the prayer of this soul more attentively, look more directly on his/her doings, desires.
At this time a man has to move. And first of all it is work – spiritual and physical. They have to be connected, only in such way the living balance will return. If there is no spiritual work, no work with soul to decrease the darkness in the heart, then there will be no visible results of the prayer.
The person does not get what he is asking for. Then he/she stops, becomes inert and loses faith in God’s grace. Why? Because he/she does not understand that it is his/her own fault. The person was asking, got help, but does not use it properly.
That is why I pay your attention on such thing: when you pray and ask God for His help and blessing, do not stop at this, but work even more. Do your best, work spiritually and physically in order to get a result, which you are expecting for in your life.