On November, 26, 2012, on the day of Saint John Chrysostom in France, the meeting of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Canonical accomplished, taking place for three days. Five bishops of the UAOC-C headed by Patriarch Moses participated in the meeting of the Holy Synod. The main purpose of Holy Synod was determination of the main development trends of UAOC-Canonical in the whole world, as truly Christian Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Orthodox rite. One of the main decisions, accepted after the discussion on the Holy Synod meeting was the decision about prohibition of idolatry in Orthodox service, and the primacy of preaching the saving faith that our Lord Jesus Christ gave us. Recently, there have been displays of idolatry in many Orthodox Churches of the world. Such tendency as worship to the relics more than to the Holy God has been determined in many churches. The unholy clerics, instead of respecting the relics of saints, cut them into pieces and sell; they shamelessly make money on it. In some Churches there is worship to different objects which are supposed to be related to Theotokos or to Jesus Christ. They do such things and forget about the Divine Commandments that categorically forbid idolatry: "I am the Lord your God... You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me..." (Exodus 20:2-5) The second decision, taken on the meeting of the Holy Synod, was a decision about prohibition of sodomy in a church. Patriarch Moses marked that each, who will prove himself in this ugliness, would be forced to abandon our Holy Church. It was before in an attitude toward bishops that educed the unconventional orientation, so would be in the future. Patriarch Moses was categorical in that all the churches must watch after a spiritual cleanness and stick, first of all, to the Holy Gospel, teachings of Jesus Christ, second - teachings of apostles, and then the canons, if they do not conflict with the teachings of Jesus Christ, teachings of the Lord. Finally, there was approved the decision, discussed on the meeting on the Holy Synod of the UAOC-C in France in 2007, and that grants the permission to ordain the married clergy into bishops. This decision does not deny that a bishop can be a monk on the spiritual calling. But this decision protects Church from the sodomy and returns Church to early Christian traditions. As apostle Paul taught: "Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach..." (1 Thim,3:2) At the end of the first day of the meeting of the Holy Synod on proposal of Patriarch Moses, there was unanimously made the decision to elevate Bishop Oleksandr(Negodenko) to rank of archbishop with the title "Archbishop of Zhytomyr, vicar of Kyiv" for the devoted service to God in the development of the Holy Church. On Sunday, November 25 , during the celebration of the Divine liturgy in the temple of Saint Catherine, Patriarch Moses in concelebration with four bishops of UAOC-C - Demetrios, Metropolitan of Athens , Oleksandr, Archbishop of Zhytomyr and Vasyliy, Bishop of Fastiv, elevated Archimandrite Daniel (Ganepan) in dignity of bishop and appointed him as a Bishop of Bourges and Patriarchal administrator of France. On the last day of the meeting of the Holy Synod on proposal of metropolitan Demetrios there was discussed an issue about the return to the Orthodox Church the possibility of ordination of deaconesses. Today it takes place in the Greek church. First, deaconesses were ordinated by apostles (Romans 16: 1) and the canonicity of such service was marked on IV Ecumenical Council. All the bishops supported this suggestion and marked that in course of time the ordination of deaconesses is possible for the UAOC-C. As today the Orthodox Church lacks good pastors and devoted Divine servants. However, many women in our Church have declared themselves as real myrrh bearers. They have good spiritual education; many of them are teachers, so they could serve God to save many people on the Earth. Many other important and interesting questions in the Holy Spirit were discussed at the meeting of the Holy Synod by the bishops of UAOC-C for the development of the Divine Church in the whole world.
In the photo (left to right): Bishop of Fastiv Vasyliy, Bishop of Bourges Daniel, Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Moses, Metropolitan of Athens Demetrios, Archbishop Oleksandr of Zhytomyr |
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- Written by Super User
- Category: 2012
- Hits: 2001