Sunday Gospel Мark, ІІ:1-12

Paralytic is Healed

Welcome to the temple of the Transfiguration

Schedule of Services:


10:00 - Divine Liturgy

Monday - Saturday (public holidays)

08:00 – Divine Liturgy (in working days)

10:00 – Divine Liturgy (weekends)

Contact telephone numbers

+38 (099) 308-98-72

+38 (067) 988-72-25

Location the temple of the Transfiguration

Choose your convenient mode of transport::

Metro   to station «Osokorky»


№№ 220 459 466 515 425 459 535 542 562

to station «Osokorky»


№№ 91, 87, 42

to station «Osokorky»

Then go on foot 800 m according to the scheme