Jesus is coming! Let’s glorify Him!

Jesus is coming! Let’s glorify Him!

Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!

The fields had been sowed long time ago… The time is passing and we should wake up spiritually in order not to miss the Kingdom of God!! On the Earth and in the Heavens!!

I want to wish all of us not be lazy and do good things, learn how to love (even if it sounds strange). Love God in every person, who is near us!

When we multiply the light in each other we are located in the flow of God’s creation. And to be the collaborator of God’s work – is the greatest happiness for human soul!

Happy holidays!

Jesus is coming! Let’s glorify Him!

Primate of the Orthodox Community of the Transfiguration of the Lord Temple
Archbishop +Alexander (Nehodenko)

2024 God’s year
